Remote Monitoring & Management

What is RMM?



Simply what it says.  All of the tasks and tracking are done remotely using secure, industry standard tools.  These include an RMM platform, secure password manager and ticketing system with client access portal.



Monitor your computers with the intent of discovering problems before they become problems.  This includes performing routine maintenace on your systems such as installing updates for Windows and third party programs like Chrome.



Manage your device inventory including where your devices are located, their specifications, software licenses, device encryption keys etc.  We can also manage your Microsoft 365 users and products.


Faster service.  Better service.

Not only are we able to get to you faster, the information that is collected from your devices allows us to arrive at solutions faster.

More consistent uptime

24/7 monitoring of systems helps us head off problems before they become problems.  We monitor for problems like failing hard drives, unexpected shutdowns, failed logins to your computers, antivirus status etc.  It’s easier to build a bridge before crossing it.  We build bridges over your tech problems.


Stable technology budget

By setting up a remote monitoring and management agreement, you can stabilize your technology spending.  This makes it easier to plan for the things that matter throughout the year.  No more unexpected bills.

Lower cost than hiring

The average cost for an in-house IT person in the US is $65,000.  With this comes insurance requirements, payroll expenses etc.  Working with a managed service provider like Kelley Brothers IT can save you tens of thousands of dollars each and every year.


Faster service.  Better service.

Not only are we able to get to you faster, the information that is collected from your devices allows us to arrive at solutions faster.


More consistent uptime

24/7 monitoring of systems helps us head off problems before they become problems.  We monitor for problems like failing hard drives, unexpected shutdowns, failed logins to your computers, antivirus status etc.  It’s easier to build a bridge before crossing it.  We build bridges over your tech problems.

Stable technology budget

By setting up a remote monitoring and management agreement, you can stabilize your technology spending.  This makes it easier to plan for the things that matter throughout the year.  No more unexpected bills.

Lower cost than hiring

The average cost for an in-house IT person in the US is $65,000.  With this comes insurance requirements, payroll expenses etc.  Working with a managed service provider like Kelley Brothers IT can save you tens of thousands of dollars each and every year.